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May 24, 2021
How to improve healthcare quality?
May 26, 2021Patient satisfaction in healthcare setting
Patient satisfaction impacts healthcare quality not only because of its direct impact on quality indicators such as bedside manner and staff skills, but also because it can influence how patients perceive and evaluate the entire healthcare system. In addition, patient satisfaction does not always result in improved patient care.
Patient satisfaction scores based on seven factors:
- Patient experience during the process of care
- Staff interaction with the patient
- Physician skill delivering the care
- Healthcare environment
- Hospital staff environment [happy staff deliver better patient experience]
- Emergency room care
- Post-care experience
Patient satisfaction and healthcare environment

Although excellent service is important, patient satisfaction also depends on the environment in which healthcare providers operate. According to the researchers, doctors who treat their patients with respect and who treat them in an environment that creates a great deal of comfort and enjoyment are far more likely to retain their patients for a longer period of time.
Patients also appreciate exceptional service if they believe their healthcare providers value them and their needs. An atmosphere of disrespect, aggression, or threats does not inspire patient satisfaction, and these behaviors negatively impact patient retention.
On the other hand, the research found that if healthcare providers offer patients a warm, welcoming, and non-judgmental atmosphere, patient satisfaction increased dramatically.
Patient interaction with healthcare staff
Another way to increase patient satisfaction is to improve the communication between patient and provider. There is no question that good communication is necessary to provide excellent patient care.
However, many healthcare workers say that too much information is often given to patients during routine visits, and that patients are not given time to ask questions. A new system of patient guided questioning that collects all the information needed by the patient in just one conversation can collect data that would have been previously overlooked. Such surveys have shown to be successful in increasing patient satisfaction by a lot.
Hospital quality and patient satisfaction
Hospital quality improvement also includes the quality of patient care experienced by the patient. It is imperative that doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers meet the standards of practice required by The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2009 (ACA, PPACA). Read more.
Surveys have shown that patient satisfaction rises dramatically when hospitals adhere to these guidelines. Hospital staff members have been found to give more accurate feedback, and to help patients understand why they are being treated the way they are.
Healthcare workers manners affects patient satisfaction
The quality of the patient experience is also improved by improved staff members. According to one study, staff members’ attitude toward patients’ concerns about hospital care decreased significantly as time went on. According to another study, healthcare workers’ attitude toward patients’ concern about their care decreased as healthcare costs increased.
Hospital quality department and nursing office should conduct regular orientation session and continued education for the staff on the proper ways to deal with patients concern
Healthcare providers knowledge and patient satisfaction
Patients expect and deserve to be offered a comprehensive account of what is happening in their care. Personally I think that , about thirty-eight percent of adults feel that their health care provider is up to date on important matters. Only twenty-six percent of physicians feel they are highly competent. In order to increase patient satisfaction, health-care providers must be fully involved in monitoring and updating their patients on everything from immunizations to procedures for managing common diseases.
Improving patient satisfaction with survey reports
Hospital quality improvement can also occur through the use of quality surveys. Surveys can help reduce the headache associated with clinical documentation and billing, increase patient satisfaction, provide insight into physician staff member attitudes towards services and medications, and allow researchers to evaluate healthcare facilities on a national basis. Surveys can also help provide an incentive for physicians and hospitals to provide better care to their patients.
Nursing effect
Nurses play an important role in improving patient satisfaction level. In addition to their direct role as caregivers, nurses need to have an understanding of the unique challenges facing patients with chronic illnesses. As a result, nurses need to participate in continuing education courses to hone their skills on clinical fundamentals, family care, infectious disease, nutrition, and trauma. Nurses are also encouraged to improve themselves through educational seminars and continuing professional development activities.