Assessment of Patient (AOP)
April 6, 2017Patient and Family Rights (PFR)
April 8, 2017The Medical Social worker’s role in hospital setting should be guided by the following philosophy.
The social worker:
- Is aware of the worth and uniqueness of each individual.
- Treats each individual with respect .
- Creates an atmosphere of growth for the individual .
- Adopts a holistic perspective by recognizing the dynamic interplay of social, psychological, physical, and spiritual well-being .
- Provides a physical environment that is supportive rather than challenging or crippling to the individual for future discharge if applicable .
- Fosters a positive self-image through Patient and family assessment, reports , contribution in meeting other opportunities, and discharge planning efforts .
Social Service Assessment
- The social service assessment should give a clear indication of the Patient ‘s current psycho-social state. As with the social history, the assessment should be completed and filed in the Patient’s medical record as soon as possible after admission.
- Social Service assessment requires a good general knowledge of human behavior, well-developed listening and observation skills, sound interviewing techniques, and good writing and recording habits. Although some facilities have developed forms or questionnaires to use in this process.
Social Work Services Long Term Patient Assessment
At a minimum, the social services assessment should provide the following information:
- Patient General information( Including Circumstances of admission and relevant medical information
- Patient Social and home information .
- Primary care giver information
- Equipment availability prior to admission or during home discharge .
- Patient psychological and communication assessment .
- Assessment of activities of daily living prior and during admission.
- Strengths and weaknesses.
- Patient and family financial status and support .
- Comprehensive Summery including hospitalization justification .
Patient General information:
- Patient name :
- Badge number and MR#
- Date of admission or transfer
- Identify the medical facility .
- Patient’s current condition and medical history .
- Sponsor , guardian contact number , emergency contact numbers )
Patient Social information:
- Nationality .
- Age .
- Educational back ground ( illiterate , primary school ,elementary Scholl , high school ( secondary school ), university graduated .
- Occupation or employment status ( work location ) ( retirement status ).
- Marital status ( single , Married ,( Separated Divorced) ,Widowed .
- Number of sons and daughters ( marital and independence status )
- Home situation ( living with —- home location —- family members – caregivers —– home location ) .
- Other family members with medical illness .
Primary care giver information :
- Caregiver name and relationship ( Male – female , family member , housemaid , house boy , driver.
- Educational back ground and ability to read or write for proper teaching .
- Ability for the caregiver to look after patient ( alone , with assistance ) .
- Lack of care giver availability.
- Other comments.
Equipment availability prior to admission or during home discharge :
- Oxygen
- Hospital bed
- Medical matters
- Walker
- Wheelchair
- Commode chair
- Suction machine
- Glucometer
- Sphygmomanometer .
- Special items – identify .
Patient psychological and communication assessment;
- Fearful – irritable – Anxious
- Oriented – confused – depressed – cooperative
- Distressed- aggressive – agitated – nervous.
- Accepts the situation
- Compliant – non complained
- Able to understand medical recombination – ready to learn – barrier to learning.
- Appetite change Sleep pattern changes .
- May harm self or other ( safety issues ) .
- Communicating verbally , little understood words , by signals , other identify .
- Signs of abuse or neglects .
- Comments .
Patient and family financial status .
- Stable
- Unstable
- Financial government assessment
- Social insurances salary
- Retire salary