Rachel Phillips
1. The key to success is the exposure to best practices… Workflows and technologies are very important. Consider to spend few days in hospitals with best practices.
2. Competencies-Competencies-Competencies: Are you willing to have a pharmacy-based compounding service or combined with pharmacy-based consulting/ordering PN service? If you develop the experts, your are 80% there!
3. What is your bed number, scope of practice (neonates, peds, adults, critical care, etc.), allocated space in pharmacy, number of pharmacy FTEs and your BUDGET, then we will guide you further on how to proceed! I strongly believe that Experienced Leaders can do MAGIC with any available resources.
4. I truly appreciate seeing such a consult. I have seen few hospitals who started PN services without solid knowledge and confidence, that had failed few months after starting the service. Main reason was lack of competencies and exposure to good practices.